Why switch to a Tankless Water Heater?

Limitless Hot Water : As long as your water and gas supply remain uninterrupted and flowing smoothly, your tankless water heater will continue to supply you with hot water for as long as you need it.
Improves Home Safety : A tankless water heater is far more efficient for your home than a tank-style heater. When a water tank leaks, it can ruin drywall, damage flooring, destroy personal property, and even cause foundation issues. Tankless water heaters can help you avoid all that.
Prevent Heat Loss : Tankless water heaters can avoid the standby heat losses associated with  water heaters.
Cost Saving : Getting a water heated repaired/replaced and installing a tankless water heater can save you up to 20% on your energy bills. Additionally, tankless water heaters are eligible for rebates and grants from Ontario. You can get $400 back with Enbridge as a water heater ranks second in energy usage in your home.


Our Service Delivery Area :
Brampton, Mississauga, Toronto, Scarborough, Pickering, Markham, North York, Newmarket, Oshawa, Ajax, Kitchener and Many more!!


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